Chante Pou Bondye
라이프스타일 | 468.9KB
Ever wanted to sing a Christian Creole or French Song and you don't have or you don't know the lyrics? [Chante Pou Bondye] App puts the lyrics of right in the palm of your hands. Sing and Give Praise to the Lord our God through the [Chante Pou Bondye] App. You can also share the songs with friends through facebook, twitter and other social media channels.
Tout Chante Relijie yo nan pla men nou, kote nou ale. Ou pap janm bliye chante yo anko. Le chante a vini nan tet ou, rale app la epi Baton. An nou bay Bondye glaw avek [Chante Pou Bondye] App. O ka Voye yon chante ou renmen a trave facebook, twitter ak anpil lot.
Initial Release
Provides random song that you can share through facebook, twitter, and email
Future Release will include
Ability to save your favorite lyrics
Ability to search songs by words and artists