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Calculator is a, free, simple, fast and easy tool for your phone that is perfect for your everyday usage.
It has plenty of beautiful designed themes and many more will come.
If you change the Calculator Theme, it will change the navigation bar , and the status bar is appropriate for the color of the buttons.
There are no ads within the application at this time.
#Calculating with negative numbers.
#Delete separately and clear all.
#Return to the previous calculation.
#You can change the color.
#advanced arithmetic operations: powers,square root.
#Perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
#Automatic equality
If you need any improvement or found any bug in the calculator, Please report to

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새로운 소식 Calculator

Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements


업데이트 날짜:

현재 버전: 1.0.1

필요한 Android 버전: Android 4.0.3 or later


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