The Cordova Today
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The draft of the New Educational Policy recommends
“a course on current affairs for all students in Grades 9-12” and “course on critical issues facing the community, the country, and the world” for all students in Grades 7-8”. The policy directs that one period each week be assigned in Grades 7 to 12 and that the current events “be sourced from current newspapers, Journals/magazines, books, and even films. This will encourage reading and awareness about current affairs and foster critical thinking. The article will be assigned or read by the teacher in class, and the students will be asked to discuss and debate it, as individuals or in groups”.
Following this guideline, Cordova has launched ‘The Cordova Today’, a national monthly educational newspaper on current affairs, for children of primary, secondary and senior secondary schools. It discusses critical issues and current affairs that our society/country faces to foster critical thinking.
Sound knowledge on current affairs also helps students to be well informed and perform well in Olympiads, Quizzes, etc. It helps them connect and apply what they learn to everyday life and surroundings.
The newspaper has the following sections:
Breaking News of the Month
Science Report (latest Inventions/discoveries in Science and Technology)
Important National Events
Important International Events
Sports and Games news
Important events in History in the Month
Important Tips for students
India - Who is Who
Personalities who make India proud
Art Corner (Students’ paintings)
Comic strip, Riddles and Jokes
Health and Fitness, Yoga
Cordova Quiz Time
‘The Cordova Today’,a national monthly educational newspaper on current affairs.