Q.Sets, Study Material pdf download Indian Navy

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This android application contains previous years questions sets with sample papers and complete study material for Indian Navy exam . Study material includes English grammar in Hindi, Maths in Hindi, and General knowledge in hindi as paper Navy syllabus
App contains chapter wise the following items:
Indian Navy General Ability 2009
Indian Navy
General Ability 2010
Indian Navy
General Ability 2011
Indian Navy
General Ability 2012
Indian Navy
General Ability 2013
Indian Navy
General Ability 2014
Indian Navy
Maths 2009
Indian Navy
Maths 2010
Indian Navy
Maths 2011
Indian Navy
Maths 2012
Indian Navy
Maths 2013
Indian Navy
Maths 2014
GK Computer(कंप्यूटर) Indian Navy
GK Economics(अर्थशास्त्र) Indian Navy
General Knowledge(सामान्य ज्ञान) Indian Navy
GK Geography(भूगोल) Indian Navy
GK History(इतिहास) Indian Navy
GK Polity(राजनीति) Indian Navy
GK Science(विज्ञान) Indian Navy
GK Sports(खेल) Indian Navy
संख्याएं (Numbers)
Indian Navy
मुख्य गणित सूत्रMain Math Formullas Indian Navy
मिश्रण और पृथ्थीकरण (Mixture and Alligation) Indian Navy
समय और कार्य (Time and Work) Indian Navy
नल और टंकी (Pipes and Cisterns) Indian Navy
समय, चाल और दूरी (Time, Speed and Distance) Indian Navy
रेलगाड़ी और प्लेटफार्म (Train and Platform) Indian Navy
नाव और धारा (Boats and Streams) Indian Navy
क्षेत्रमिति (Mensuration) Indian Navy
लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य और महत्तम समापवर्तक (LCM and HCF) Indian Navy
बीजगणित (Algebra) Indian Navy
औसत (Average) Indian Navy
प्रतिशतता (Percentage)Indian Navy
साधारण ब्याज (Simple Interest) Indian Navy
चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Compound Interest) Indian Navy
अनुपात और समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion)Indian Navy
साझेदारी (Partnership) Indian Navy
ज्यामिति (Geometry)
क्रमचय और संचय (Permutation and Combination) Indian Navy
प्रायिकता (Probability) Indian Navy
काल Tenses
Indian Navy
विलोम - समानार्थी
Antonym -Synonyms Indian Navy
कहावत और मुहावरा-1 Proverb and Idiom
अंग्रेजी मुहावरे-2 English Proverb and Idiom Indian Navy
अंग्रेजी मुहावरे-3
Proverb and Idiom
प्रशासनिक-शब्द Admin-Word-Hindi-English Indian Navy
दैनिक हो रहा शब्दावली Daily-happening-136words Indian Navy
दैनिक जीवन उपकरण 111 शब्द Daily life tools 111words Indian Navy
फल का नाम 78 Fruits Indian Navy
खाद्य वस्तुओं के नाम food items
शरीर के अंग Body-Parts Indian Navy
व्यावसायिक शब्दावली Business v
Cloths Indian Navy
1 4 स्वास्थ्य देखभाल
15.Direct and Indirect Speech
Indian Navy
20.Question Tags
Indian Navy
21.Idioms Usage
22.Subject Verb Agreement Indian Navy
23.Conditional Sentences
Indian Navy
24.Verbs and their Usage
Indian Navy
Indian Navy
26.One word substitution
Indian Navy
27.Passive Voice
Indian Navy
28.Tenses Indian Navy
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Indian navy recruitment 2017 for engineers
Indian navy job after 10th Model papers
how to join indian navy after 12th science Complete GK
join Indian navy after 10th
Complete English Material
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So download this application and suggest us if you find any thing special for Indian Navy exams

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현재 버전: 1.0

필요한 Android 버전: Android 4.0.3 or later


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