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One of the biggest problems we have in underdeveloped countries (particulary in the African continent) is lack of basic health conditions, and in the same context we have a worsening of deaths due to lack of blood transfusion, health centers and hospitals generally do not have the quantities needed to respond to patients' requests, despite the fact that the national health system has its own mechanisms for supplying blood banks, donor adherence has been decreasing.
One of the solutions that patients adopt to seek help has been the social media, through publications of appeal messages, what fails in this process is the fact that social media is oriented to information sharing and not necessarily healthcare. This way users of these social media end up sharing those appeals from what really caters to them. Why not join all the entities involved in the blood donation process? Why not create for them a dedicated form of communication? Within these needs arises MoreLife, a healthcare application focusing on the sago donation process.