Grab Ayiti
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Grab Ayiti is an on demand food delivery platform delivering meals from restaurants to customers at their doorstep.
Grab Ayiti doesn’t just make it easy for people to order food online from a variety of food joints in Port-au-Prince, but it also helps restaurants serve a larger audience.
For users:
Grab Ayiti help customers save time and money as they can order food online;
Customers can track the delivery after placing an order;
Great Customer Service.
Grab Ayiti helps find restaurants and food around Port-au-Prince (Pétion-ville, Delmas, Route de Frère, etc…). Furthermore, users allow you to give or read other people’s reviews about restaurants or food in order to make better decisions. Grab Ayiti is also very easy to use. Less keyboard more touch! With the GPS capability, Grab Ayiti app uses the GPS to accurately track down its users.