Fitness Pro
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if you follow properly this app
diet plan and workout plan you do not need any kind of personal trainers
Full Workout plan
Full diet plan
8 weeks fat loss plan
8 weeks muscle gain plan
proper guide to each and every exercise
chest exercise
Biceps exercise
Back exercise
Shoulder exercise
Leg exercise
8 weeks transformation programs
fat loss and muscle building is very easy process
but why you cannot reach your goal because you do not have
proper knowledge or maybe your trainer also do not have a proper knowledge
so that's why you can not hit your goal you cannot reach your goal
if you properly follow this plan you can see result in within one weekso do not be confused you need only proper guidance so follow this app diet plans and instructions you definitely see result in a short period
Physical fitness is your ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue. Learn about the components of physical fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and body composition and why they are important.