Don’t Touch my Phone 2020
도구 | 3.8MB
Don’t Touch my Phone 2020 and raise alarm is a fantastic touched app , that prevents others to touch your phone while placed on table and if any one try to stole or pick phone then phone ringtone wil start ringing, my ringtone list is available to select any ringtune . This app is security solution
for those who want to say please don't touch , dont touch my smartphone or want to know who touched my phone
don't touch anything ,don t op touch and dont touch my phone app and privacy guard has a fantastic feature of detecting while some one touches yours phone on activation mode, don't get your. don t touch my mobile rings a bell so its touch my phone alarm app and iantitheft for ring alarm on touch .
- dont tap my phone and don't touch phone privacy feature using dnt
touching my phone
unless you have authority
- touch screen repair and anti theft mobile touch and touch me me alarm feature
- phone security app is
phone guard with nosey crook alarm iantitheft
dont touch my phone & burglar alarm is
security systems app lock and phone security app nosey fro mobile safety.
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