Colic Baby Sleep Sounds
음악/오디오 | 25.7MB
Designed for colic babies, it is a tried-and-tested application featuring comforting sounds in
HD Quality
. These relaxing sounds are also effective not only for babies, but also for adults who are having sleep problems.
While sound is playing;
✔ 15 minutes
✔ 30 minutes
✔ 1 hour
✔ Endless minutes options are available. You can also optimize the charging of your device and listen to the sounds while the keys are locked. Baby sleeping sounds will reduce your baby's sleeping and crying problem.
✔ Hair Dryer HD Sounds
HD Sea waves
Washing Machine HD Sounds
Vacuum HD Sounds
Ocean Waves HD Sounds
Rain HD Sounds
✔ Heart HD Sounds
Fetus HD Sounds
Heart HD Sounds
✔ Nature HD Sounds
Car HD Sounds
Train HD Sounds
Supported Languages;
✔ English
✔ Turkish
✔ German
✔ Arabic
✔ French
✔ Chinese
✔ Russian
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Why is my baby crying?
Your baby is fed, has a clean nappy, no issues with colic, you were playing with your baby but still it is crying? The baby is probably too tired, but at the same time unable to fall asleep by itself. This is a common situation of newborns and a situation when Sleep Baby Instant can help the most.
Sweet Dreams to Babies
New Sounds;
- Lullaby
- Psh Psh
Security Optimized
GUI Optimized