April Fool SMS
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Enjoy the largest collection of April Fool SMS
to share with your loved ones ,friends and family by whatsapp , facebook, SMS, email, Chats, etc. Click on the sms and choose the app from the dialog through which you want to send the message.
April Fool SMS
This app is the right place for Specially on every Best in class
SMS is a lovable language among lovers.April Fool's Day 2015 Special: This year another clump of funny tricks have been included. Look at the new classification that contains the best handy jokes for you.All the pranks and practical jokes can be shared via the apps already on your device (sms, facebook, whatsapp etc).
1.Huge base of
April Fool SMS .
2.Favourite list, to add your favourite sms.
3.Share option to share sms with friends and family.
4.Listen button to listen sms.
We provide a simple & elegant way to share your favourite April Fool SMS with your family, lovers and friends.
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