Android Guru
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This application has various type of android programming knowledge from basic to advance with examples with source codes.
This app is very useful for all the beginner android developers.
This app is very simple to understand, reliable and user friendly.
Basically this app is divided into eight different types of parts and that is given below:-
• Introduction: This section contains all the information about android like definition, history, overview etc.
• Basics: This section contains all the basic knowledge about android programming which every android developer should know about.
• Android UI-Layouts: That contains all the details of android layouts and many more.
• Android UI-Widgets: This part contains all the widgets (text-view, button, radio-button and etc.) basically used to develop any android application.
• Android Learning: That contains some advanced knowledge of android programming.
• Android Examples: 50 plus number of example available for all the beginners.
• Interview Questions: Interview questions with detailed answers.
• Quiz Questions: Quiz questions with multiple choice and shown the correct answers of perticular question.
Keep downloading, sharing, have fun and be an android developer.
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