Mini Medal Event is now ON, featuring Super Minions!
Super Minions are FREE! How to Use Them in Clash of Clans
Th13 Super Minion After Update!! Th13 Clone Spell Attack Strategies Clash of Clans
Best SUPER MINION attack for 3 STARS!!! TH17 Attack Strategy (Clash of Clans)
26 x Super Minion + Invisible Spell = No BASE is SAFE!! Best TH16 Attack Strategy in Clash of Clans
Easy SUPER MINION Attack for 3 STARS!!! TH16 Attack Strategy (Clash of Clans)
16 x Super Minion + Invisibility Spell = TH15 VS TH17!! Best TH15 Attack Strategy in Clash of Clans
SUPER MINION-INVISIBILITY SPELL is NEW ATTACK!! Best TH14 Attack Strategy Clash of Clans