Love PiP Camera icon

Love PiP Camera

1.4 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ インストール


説明 Love PiP Camera

Love Pip Camera Give you differant type of love pip image like heart,love frame, you can set photo inside new photo image in love pip camera
Create best Love pip Carmera image and share into Whatsapp,Facebook,Twitter,Line Instagram etc
you can select image from Gallary or Camera
Love PIP Camera for all android device.
=>make most fun selfies with extra creative pip frames and special image layouts.
=>Love PIP Camera is gave a 15 referent type of pip frames.
=>Love PIP Camera is also gave the text editing feature.
=>it require less memory and less batter in the mobile
PIP frame theme. The frames gives your 3D effects too.
Best app for creating PIP with Love Hearts frames ..!!
-love twin camera,love magazine photo effect,Love pip pip, Love pip camera ,Love cardmaker magazine,Love
pip camera photo effect,Love insta pip camera
How to use Love pip Camera
-Choose image from gallery or camera
-Select Love pip Camare frame and set proparly to image
-then save or download image]


  • カテゴリー:
  • 最終のバージョン:
  • 更新日:
  • サイズ:
  • 動作環境:
    Android 3.0 or later
  • 開発元:
  • ID: