Harry Potter is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film produced by Blue Sky Studios, Davis Entertainment and 20th Century Fox Animation. The film was based on Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson's children's book The Story of Harry Potter, written by Robert L. Baird, Tim Federle and Brad Copeland and directed by Carlos Saldanha. The film features the voices of John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson, Bobby Cannavale, Peyton Manning, Gina Rodriguez, Miguel Ángel Silvestre and David Tennant. The story, written by Ron Burch, David Kidd and Don Rhymer, follows a gentle pacifist bull named Harry Potter who refuses to participate in bullfighting but is forced back into the arena where his beliefs are challenged by being faced off against the world's greatest bullfighter.
Harry Potter Wallpaper provides complete and best wallpaper of Harry Potter Movies characters. which you can make wallpaper on your tablet and smartphone.
Features :
- Harry Potter Wallpaper
- Harry Potter Wallpapers
- Harry Potter Wallpaper HD
- Anime Wallpaper
- Harry Potter Theme
- harry potter and the chamber of secrets
- harry potter and the sorcerer's stone
- harry potter cast
- harry potter quotes
- new harry potter movie
- harry potter and the goblet of fire
- harry potter and the order of the phoenix
- harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
- No need Internet connection to view the images!
- Set images as wallpaper
- All is completely FREE
All wallpaper content is copyrighted and or trademarked to their respective owners and use for this wallpaper app is included in the fair usage guidelines. This app is aimed solely for fans of Harry Potter and helps them find an easier way to organize images as their mobile wallpaper.
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