City Maps for Minecraft icon

City Maps for Minecraft

1 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ インストール


説明 City Maps for Minecraft

Our puck maps collected the best card for minekraft, large, spacious, and most importantly interesting! Each card has its own uniqueness. Minekraft city on so much more that you can spend hours wandering through its streets, look for secrets, climb on the largest skyscrapers, but also stay in any of them.
In our pack also has a medieval village. Minekraft village - it's a great location which is more than suitable for life. And if you build another wall around it, you get a medieval castle!
If you are tired to build houses in minekraft and just want to enjoy the game, then our puck maps for you!
Also in our collection of maps you will find descriptions, pictures and instructions for installing them.
DESCLAMER : This is an unofficial app for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Creators : MODCRAFTER, Super User . All rights reserved. In accordance with


  • カテゴリー:
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  • 動作環境:
    Android 4.0 or later
  • 開発元:
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