Logo Quiz Advance
雑学 | 21.5MB
Logo Quiz Advance is a guess which logo this is.
Remove Tiles to reveal the image. You have only 11 tiles to reveal the image.
If you only use:
0-4 tiles to open, you can get 10 COINS.
For 5 - 7, you can get 7 COINS.
For 8 - 11, you can get 5 COINS.
Just play and enjoy!
Coming Soon for other logos. =)
Thank You
- Kelvin Patrick U. Enriquez
[KPE Dev]
- All trademarks are properties of their respective owners. The use of low resolution logo images in this app for use of identification qualifies as "Fair Use" under copyright law.
- This application uses only Latin alphabet to enter brand names. Other alphabets are not supported at this time.
-No copyright infringement intended.
Thank you also to quickappninja.com
Misspell of level 13 fix