Super MMA Fighting Game - MMA Games

3.5 (696)

アクション | 25.2MB


Enjoy "Super MMA fighting", a MMA (MIxed Martial Arts) game with realistic fighting combos. The combos are inspired from real MMA fights, martial arts movies and various other combat sports like Karate, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira and Western Boxing. More amazing combos are in development and will be included in future updates.
The current version of the game has one fighting mode "Quick Fight". Your goal is to win as many as fight possible, but more
importantly enjoy the thrill of the fight. Every fight, you and your opponent will get a
bunch of random combo,
each active for few seconds. The game is about "timing",
like real MMA,
you need to time the combos correctly and deal as many as damage possible. Blocking is automatic, when you are not attacking or moving. The opponent
will get progressive more powerful as you win more fights. If you loose too many fights in a row, you will get stronger with each loss. As per the saying
"whatever does not kill you makes you...Stronger". So keep fighting and do not give up!

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新機能 Super MMA Fighting Game - MMA Games

Important bug fix.
AI difficulty tweak.



現在のバージョン: 2.2

Android 要件: Android 4.1 or later


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