Bussid Mods (Bus Simulator Indonesia)
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Halo Para bussid mania kali ini hadir mod BUSSID terlengkap untuk berbagai varian selain bussid truck simulator indonesia, kini hadir kembali M.O.D BUSSID khusus untuk penggemar Bus Simulator Indonesia V 3.3 yang baru saja diupdate.
Pada aplikasi bussid mod ini ada berbagai versi jenis Mod Bus Simulator Indonesia seperti :
Mod Bussid Truck
Mod Bussid Bus
Mod Bussid Mobil
Pada mod bussid truck simulator Indonesia ada berbagai varian BUSSID V 3.3 yang terpopuler seerti mod truck umplung bussid, mod truck umplung tua, mod truck umplung angsa putih, mod bussid truck angkut lokomotif, mod truck terpal bussid, mod truck canter mukhlas, mod truck canter anti gossip, mod bussid truck canter WSP, mod bussid truck oleng, mod truck oppa muda bussid. Selain itu hadir juga mod bussid Bus yang dapat membawa anda ke beragam tujuan pada peta BUSSID terbaru untuk lalu lintas jawa sumatera seperti mod bussid truck kayu dan mod bussid oleng serta klaksom om telolet im terbaru untuk varian BUSSID V3.3.
Selain mod truck bussid dan mod bussid Bus Indonesia, hadir juga mod mobil mewah bussid Indonesia yang terlengkap yang ada dalam aplikasi game bus simulator Indonesia ini seperti mod mobil mewah, mod mobil sport bussid. MOD Truck Bussid ini adalah mod bussid tanpa password sehingga kalian bisa memainkan game bus simulator Indonesia ini dan memasang M.O.D Bussid nya tanpa kendala.
Berikut ini fitur terbaru untuk game bus simulator Indonesia V 3.3 untuk game bussid 2020 :
- 3 kota besar (dengan banyak scene baru), Sumatra dan Jawa terhubung
- mode sopir, sopir dapat keluar dari kendaraan dan bereksplorasi
- mode transmisi manual
- pembaruan tampilan kontrol
- beberapa perbaikan, termasuk untuk obb downloader dan mode main bareng
- perubahan suara mesin bus
- Desain livery kamu sendiri
- Kontrol yang mudah dan elegan
- Lingkungan dan kota-kota lokal asli Indonesia
- Bus-bus asli Indonesia
- Klakson bus telolet
- Om Telolet Om
- Kualitas grafis yang detil
- Tidak ada banner iklan yang menutupi area berkendara
- Data permainan tersimpan secara online dan otomatis
- Sistem leaderboard
- Mod kendaraan
- Main bersama dengan mode konvoi online multiplayer
Hello The bussid mania this time comes the most complete BUSSID mod for various variants besides the Indonesian bussid truck simulator, now comes back M.O.D BUSSID specifically for Bus Simulator Indonesia V 3.3 fans who have just updated.
In this bussid mod application there are various versions of Mod Bus Simulator Indonesia such as:
Bussid Truck Mod
Bussid Bus Mod
Bussid Car Mod
In the Indonesian bussid truck simulator mod there are various variants of BUSSID V 3.3 which are as popular as the umplung bussid mod truck, old umplung mod truck, white goose umplung mod truck, locomotive transport bussid truck mod, locomotive bussid tarps mod, mukhlas canter mod truck, canter mod truck anti-gossip, mod bussid truck canter WSP, mod bussid truck shaky, bussid young oppa mod truck. Also present is the Bus Bus mod that can take you to various destinations on the latest BUSSID maps for Sumatran Javanese traffic such as the wooden bussid truck mod and the bussid oleng mod and the newest om telolet horn for the BUSSID V3.3 variant.
In addition to the bussid truck mod and the Indonesian Bus bussid mod, there is also the most complete Indonesian bussid luxury car mod available in this Indonesian bus simulator game application such as luxury car mod, bussid sports car mod. This Bussid Truck MOD is a bussid mod without a password so you can play this Indonesian bus simulator game and install the Bussid M.O.D without any obstacles.
Here are the latest features for the Indonesian bus simulator V game 3.3 for bussid 2020 games:
- 3 big cities (with many new scenes), Sumatra and Java connected
- Driver mode, driver can get out of the vehicle and explore
- manual transmission mode
- control display updates
- several improvements, including for obb downloader and play mode together
- change in the sound of the bus engine
- Design your own livery
- Easy and elegant control
- Indonesian native environment and local cities
- Original Indonesian buses
- Telolet bus horn
- Om Telolet Om
- Detailed graphic quality
- There are no ad banners that cover the driving area
- Game data is stored online and automatically
- Leaderboard system
- Vehicle mod
- Play together with online multiplayer convoy mode