Voicemail Notifier

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Replaces or augments Voicemail notifications.DO NOT INSTALL ON SD CARD. SERVICES CANNOT RUN CORRECTLY FROM SD CARD.THIS APP ONLY WORKS ON THE FEW NETWORKS AND PHONES THAT PROPERLY IMPLEMENT CERTAIN PROTOCOLS.PLEASE DO NOT RATE THIS APP LOW JUST BECAUSE YOUR NETWORK USES ITS OWN CUSTOM NON-STANDARD VOICEMAIL SYSTEM, OR BECAUSE YOUR HANDSET DOESN'T SUPPORT THE MWI PROTOCOL. THERE IS NOTHING THIS APP NOR ANYBODY ELSE'S CAN EVER DO ABOUT THIS.* Very low battery use.* Very low memory use* Almost zero CPU use.* Highly configurable.* Repeat notifications.* Advanced power saving design.* Adjustable notification interval, tone, LED colour, blink speed, screen flashing, vibration.* Insistent notifications.Recent changes:* Added "Manual voicemail check option, to restart the service every X minutes, thus forcing a manual voicemail check. This may fix issues on some phones where the service stops running or halts after some time. If you find voicemails aren't being detected, but suddenly appear when you start the app, then try using this setting. It is not recommended to use this with the "Keep service running" option, as it'll spam you with a notification every X minutes.content rating: Everyone

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現在のバージョン: 1.3.1

Android 要件: Android 3 or later


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