Odisha Farmer Card List - Odisha Krushak Card
仕事効率化 | 5.2MB
This application can easily help you to find the district wise list of Odisha Farmer.
ଏହି ଆପ୍ପ ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ ଆପଣ ଓଡ଼ିଶାର କୃଷକ ଲିଷ୍ଟ (Farmer List) ଜାଣି ପାରିବେ
ଚାଷ / ଫସଲ ପ୍ରକାର ଏବଂ ଏହାର ବିକ୍ରେତା ର ନାମ ଏବଂ ତାହାର ଠିକଣା ସହିତ ନମ୍ବର ମଧ୍ୟ ପାଇ ପାରିବେ.
ଭୋଟର ID ମାଧ୍ୟମରେ କୃଷକ ଚିହ୍ନଟ - Farmer Identification
App Features-
- Odisha Krushi Portal
- Odisha Bihan Website
- Odisha Farmer List
- Odisha Farmer Card Download
- Odisha Krushak Card List
- Odisha Farmer Registration Form
- Odisha Govt Sites
- Odisha Jojana
- Odisha Job Card
- Odisha BPL List
- Odisha Bhulekh
- Odisha Ration Card
- Odisha Farmer Inquiry
- Odisha Farmer Identification
Disclaimer & Notice: This is not the official application for any government scheme nor associated with any Govt. body.
New App for Odisha Farmer Card List and Registration form
Odisha Krushak Card List