Lagu Kenangan Album Nella Karisma
音楽&オーディオ | 3.0MB
Nella Kharisma kecil, di usia 3 tahun sudah ikut nyinden dipagelaran Wayang di Kediri. Artinya bakat seninya udah terasah sejak kecil, karena kedua orang tuanya sama-sama berdarah seni. Bapaknya Nella, beraliran musik campursari, sedangkan sang ibu ahli memainkan alat musik gitar, angklung dan suling. Nella remaja sejak kelas 3 SMP sudah aktif bernyanyi dari panggung ke panggung dengan diiringi musik organ tunggal.
Best Nella Kharisma (2016)
Dangdut special NDX (2017)
Hip Hop Koplo (2017)
Cinta Luar Biasa (2017)
Album kompilasi
VIP (2015)
Melon Best Nella Koplo (2016)
Love in Singapore (2016)
Rupo Lan Ndunyo (2016)
Love Story in Hongkong (2016)
Rojo (2016)
Monata Goyang Reggae (2017)
Goyang Reggae (2017)
Best Angklung Malioboro (2017)
Nella Kharisma and Friends: Dancedhut Bintang Pantura (2017)
Konco Mesra 2017
Jaran Goyang
Bojo Galak
Sebelas Duabelas
Nella Kharisma small, at the age of 3 years already participated nyinden dipayang Puppet in Kediri. This means that his art talent has been honed since childhood, because both parents are both bloody art. His father Nella, campursari musical wing, while the mother expert to play musical instrument guitar, angklung and flute. Nella teenager since grade 3 junior has been actively singing from stage to stage with music accompanied single organ.
Best Nella Kharisma (2016)
Dangdut special NDX (2017)
Hip Hop Koplo (2017)
Extraordinary Love (2017)
Compilation album
VIP (2015)
Melon Best Nella Koplo (2016)
Love in Singapore (2016)
Rupo Lan Ndunyo (2016)
Love Story in Hongkong (2016)
Rojo (2016)
Monata Goyang Reggae (2017)
Shake Reggae (2017)
Best Angklung Malioboro (2017)
Nella Kharisma and Friends: Dancedhut Bintang Pantura (2017)
Konco Mesra 2017
Jaran Goyang
Bojo Galak
A little different