Benefits Bicarbonate of Sodium

4.2 (9)

健康&フィットネス | 13.3MB


Drinking mixed sodium conbicarbonate water helps neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which eliminates the problem of heartburn.
Baking soda is an element that is used very frequently in cooking, but also has other uses that are not as well known, several of them to improve health in our body.
· Help with oral problems.
· Antiseptic.
· Avoid blisters and scars after a burn.
· Symptomatic relief of urinary tract infections
· Helps with burns on the skin.
· An antacid to treat indigestion and other stomach problems.
· Help the body overcome the infection by reducing the acid in the urine.
As you will see, it is highly recommended to always have some baking soda by hand in our home, since it is a natural substance that practically never produces side effects and has many benefits.

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