ikon guess the brand logo quiz 2016

guess the brand logo quiz 2016

1.2 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps guess the brand

It’s time to update your mobile application. 10,000+ users downloaded guess the brand latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This is one of my favorite apps. This hot app was released on 2016-02-26. It get a lot of recognition after release.
guess the brand Logo Quiz is a free game full of fun that consists on guessing the names of logos from different companies.
Simply look at the pictures and guess the brand. Test your knowledge. How many will you be able to recognise? Its extremely simple to play.
In this free logo game you may find every brand category you love including cars, fashion, movies, games, electronics, beauty, cosmetics, sport, travel, stores....
In this logo quiz you can guess companies from all over the world as well as European, American and Australian companies. Compete with friends on special European, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand levels and many more.
Guess the logo picture and answer what international brand hides under logos from all over the world. Some are easy and you will know them instantly, but some may prove to be a much bigger challenge to correctly guess the brand.
Play on your mobile or tablet!
Compare your answers with your friends!
Challenge them to see who knows more logos!
if you manage to finish this game, you are truly a superhero!
menebak Quiz merek Logo adalah permainan gratis penuh menyenangkan yang terdiri atas menebak nama-nama logo dari perusahaan yang berbeda.
Cukup melihat gambar-gambar dan menebak merek. Uji pengetahuan Anda. Berapa banyak Anda akan mampu mengenali? Its sangat sederhana untuk bermain.
Dalam game ini logo gratis Anda dapat menemukan setiap kategori merek yang Anda cintai termasuk mobil, fashion, film, game, elektronik, kecantikan, kosmetik, olahraga, wisata, toko ....
Dalam logo kuis ini Anda bisa menebak perusahaan dari seluruh dunia serta Eropa, Amerika dan Australia perusahaan. Bersaing dengan teman-teman di Eropa, Australia, Kanada, tingkat Selandia Baru khusus dan banyak lagi.
Tebak gambar logo dan menjawab apa merek internasional menyembunyikan di bawah logo dari seluruh dunia. Beberapa mudah dan Anda akan mengenal mereka langsung, tetapi beberapa mungkin terbukti menjadi tantangan yang jauh lebih besar untuk benar menebak merek.
Bermain di ponsel atau tablet!
Bandingkan jawaban Anda dengan teman-teman Anda!
Menantang mereka untuk melihat siapa yang lebih tahu logo!
jika Anda berhasil menyelesaikan permainan ini, Anda benar-benar superhero!


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    Android 2.2 or later
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