ikon Truck Driver Cargo 2

Truck Driver Cargo 2

3 for Android
4.0 | 100,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Truck Driver Cargo 2

It is a truth that 30,000+ users downloaded Truck Driver Cargo 2 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is simply to learn how to use it. This hot app was released on 2020-03-21. To read more information, you can go to 9Apps.
Step inside the truck driver cargo world - Prepare for new missions to deliver various cargo types with new trucks. Completely new improved physics system, different weather conditions and different cargo types. Download and experience the new truck simulation game.
* Night driving mode
* Snow driving mode
* Rain driving mode
* Different cargo types for each truck
* Four exciting trucks with realistic physics
Langkah di dalam dunia kargo sopir truk - Siapkan untuk misi baru untuk memberikan berbagai jenis kargo dengan truk baru. sistem operasi baru ditingkatkan fisika, kondisi cuaca yang berbeda dan jenis kargo yang berbeda. Download dan mengalami permainan truk simulasi baru.
* Modus malam mengemudi
* Tipe mengemudi Salju
* Tipe mengemudi Rain
* Jenis kargo yang berbeda untuk masing-masing truk
* Empat truk yang menarik dengan fisika realistis

Memperbarui Truck Driver Cargo 2 3

Removed old libraries


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    Android 4.1 or later
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