ikon Space Sandbox

Space Sandbox

1.5 for Android
3.4 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

Tea Free Games

Penjabaran dari 9apps Space Sandbox

Space Sandbox allows you to create your own universe populated with comets, planets, moons, gas giants, stars, and even black holes. Watch as the celestial bodies orbit each other and collide in fiery explosions. Design everything from simple solar systems to massive galaxies. Save your favorite universes and change them later.

Memperbarui Space Sandbox 1.5

- Two new planets and one new moon
- Some cosmetic changes
- Slightly fewer ads


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Tea Free Games
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  • avatar
    Oke oke oke oke oke oke
    2020-10-14 06:24
  • avatar
    Ini game nya keren jadi aku instal ini
    2020-09-29 01:14
  • avatar
    Bumi nya tidak ada
    2020-09-22 07:45
  • avatar
    Nyesel gue download planet nya mendekat planet lain ararararaaahaaaahahhahahahahhhhhharrrrrrrrrrrahhhhhhh
    2020-09-02 08:30
  • avatar
    Ini gamenya terlalu simpel dan sederhana saya bingung mau ngapain digame ini..... Hmmmmm Aneh trus pas waktu mengadakan sesuatu yang lebih besar yang kecil pasti ngikut trus nabtlrak. Hey what happened? Sepertinya masih perlu banyak perkembangan lagi ya.....
    2020-08-19 02:18
  • avatar
    2020-07-14 06:06