Enjoy the most popular apps here! 20,000+ users downloaded Soccer Challenge latest version on 9Apps for free every week! If you are not comfortable with the old version then you can updated it right now. This hot app was released on 2019-09-06. It get a lot of recognition after release.
Rule your opponents in this game of skills and speed! The keys to becoming the best football player around: a lot of footwork and a good dribble strategy.
And don’t forget: whenever you score a goal, celebrate the moment and show off with a victory dance!
Game features:
• Hundreds of ways to customize your team
• Increasing difficulty of matches
• Fun colourful design
• Real soccer physics
Rule lawan Anda dalam permainan keterampilan dan kecepatan! Kunci untuk menjadi pemain sepakbola terbaik: banyak gerak kaki dan strategi menggiring bola yang bagus.
Dan jangan lupa: kapan pun Anda mencetak gol, rayakan momen itu dan pamerkan dengan tarian kemenangan!
Fitur permainan:
• Ratusan cara untuk menyesuaikan tim Anda
• Meningkatkan kesulitan pertandingan
• Desain penuh warna yang menyenangkan
• Fisika sepakbola nyata