ikon Skate Board Park

Skate Board Park

1.6 for Android
3.7 | 50,000+ Instal

Poo and Play

Penjabaran dari 9apps Skate Board Park

Welcome to Skate Board Park a sports game of skateboarding, to perform certain tricks figures in urban environment in specialized parks, skateparks. skateboarder rider here are specialized in wallride
the whole game is mainly based the above.
philosophy of discipline focusing on performance, while an art aims to achieve an aesthetic ideal, a technique, a clean style. the search for beauty is through movement.
Evaluation systems skaters at competitions show the ambivalence of the discipline. Thus, at the end of its run, the skateboarder will be judged not only on technical and performance, but also on creativity and style the esthétisque. Limited time, the rules of a less stringent run and no dichotomy between free program and imposed curriculum.
Skateboarding is a sport 100% There are a large number of figures, or tricks. The simplest is the ollie jump or just wheeling or manual (roll on the rear wheels of the board remaining balance. Ollie The trick is that a beginner needs to learn if he wants to evolve. To switch at another level it is necessary to successfully kickflip or heelflip and have access to a host of other tricks. skateboarders first rose into the air by performing a boneless or no comply, of raising the board by typing foot on the floor, or grabbing the board for boneless and are now considered old-school tricks. Now ollie skips without having to touch the board
Ollie: simple jump Shove-it: 180 ° rotation of the skate under the feet of skateboarder
Ollie 180: 180 ° rotation of the skater and the board. There are many variations in the direction of rotation backside and frontside, call the foot relative to the direction followed by the regular board fakie switch nollie
Flip and Kickflip: popular figure goofy and regular. Heelflip
These flips can be coupled with other tricks to form more complex tricks:
a varial flip is a backside shove-it and a kickflip combination
a hard flip is a frontside shove-it and a kickflip combination
an inward heelflip inward heel is often called the backside shove-it and a heelflip combination
varial heelflip often called a varial heel is a frontside shove-it and a heelflip combination
These variants may still be more complex by changing the takeoff foot or direction of movement of the skateboarder nollie, switch, fakie or adding a rotation of skateboarder in addition trick.
Slide and boardslide, lipslide, tailslide, noseslide, Bluntslide, noseblunt, combo slide, crail slide, Darkslide ... These tricks are possible backside or frontside
To finish the Grind should be built soon in games as requested so far only the wallride being represented.
We are pleased to offer the first games skateboard Park by ourselves in 3D high definition graphics to bring you the best quality.
Team pooandplay Thank You Your support means a lot to us.

Memperbarui Skate Board Park 1.6

3 new Skate Park freestyle


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    Android 2.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Poo and Play
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