ikon #SelfCare


1.3.1 for Android
3.9 | 1,000,000+ Instal

Tru Luv Media, Inc.

Penjabaran dari 9apps #SelfCare

9Apps provide best free android apps download. 30,000+ users downloaded #SelfCare latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The application is severely widely use. This hot app was released on 2019-12-18. To know more information, read the paragraph below.
Hello. This is us! We're staying home for the day. We refuse to leave our bed. This is our space. Our shelter. Today, this is the whole universe!
And it's okay. We're surrounded by our favorite sacred things. Each one has something gentle to offer.
And we'll be okay. Let's practice some #SelfCare together. Let's start with a little breathing exercise...
Breathing slowly connects us to our body and gives us life. Mmmmmm. We can breathe for as long as we'd like. There's no hurry. There's no end. We breathe and we listen to ourselves.
In this universe, our goal is simply to feel better. There's no winning, no failure, no score. No difficulty, no ads, no notifications. There is just us and our feelings.
Join us here, in this room, for a few moments. This room is our escape. <3
Halo. Inilah kita! Kami tinggal di rumah untuk hari itu. Kami menolak untuk meninggalkan tempat tidur kami. Ini ruang kita. Tempat tinggal kita. Hari ini, ini adalah seluruh alam semesta!
Dan tidak apa-apa. Kami dikelilingi oleh hal-hal sakral favorit kami. Masing-masing memiliki sesuatu yang lembut untuk ditawarkan.
Dan kita akan baik-baik saja. Mari kita berlatih bersama #SelfCare bersama. Mari kita mulai dengan sedikit latihan pernapasan ...
Bernapas perlahan-lahan menghubungkan kita dengan tubuh kita dan memberi kita hidup. Mmmmmm. Kita bisa bernafas selama yang kita inginkan. Tidak perlu tergesa-gesa. Tidak ada akhir. Kita bernafas dan kita mendengarkan diri kita sendiri.
Di alam semesta ini, tujuan kita adalah merasa lebih baik. Tidak ada kemenangan, tidak ada kegagalan, tidak ada skor. Tidak ada kesulitan, tidak ada iklan, tidak ada pemberitahuan. Hanya ada kami dan perasaan kami.
Bergabunglah dengan kami di sini, di ruangan ini, untuk beberapa saat. Ruangan ini adalah pelarian kita. <3


Memperbarui #SelfCare 1.3.1

Hello luvlies! We are busy working on some big changes which will take a bit longer, but have a collection of smaller improvements for you until the next big release. We've done some new work with the candle, to give you a space to set an intention or to let go of something. Finally, we've done many little bug and spelling fixes. Thank you for your help with catching them. We adore that you are on this journey with us. <3


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Tru Luv Media, Inc.
  • ID: