Following is the introduction of a wonderful App. 20,000+ users downloaded Racing Toy Cars latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It works great even on 2G. This hot app was released on 2018-08-15. It is a very popular app on India now.
Unleash the fun part and test drive those eleven amazing toy cars, a tank, and a chopper!
Three modes to play:
1) Free-ride through the town collecting coins, speeding, and, exploring all around (Day and Night)
2) Highway speeding: try to get as fast as possible avoiding collision with other cars in the highway either in daylight or in the night.
3) Arena: be the last one on the arena by bulldozing other cars out of the arena and get the prize!
Collect coins to able to buy other toy cars that are heavier, more speedy, or even flies over!
Lepaskan bagian yang menyenangkan dan uji coba mobil-mobil mainan yang menakjubkan, tank, dan helikopter!
Tiga mode untuk dimainkan:
1) Gratis naik melalui kota mengumpulkan koin, ngebut, dan, menjelajahi sekeliling (Siang dan Malam)
2) Mempercepat jalan raya: cobalah untuk secepat mungkin menghindari tabrakan dengan mobil lain di jalan raya baik di siang hari atau di malam hari.
3) Arena: jadilah yang terakhir di arena dengan membuldoser mobil lain keluar dari arena dan dapatkan hadiahnya!
Kumpulkan koin untuk dapat membeli mobil mainan lainnya yang lebih berat, lebih cepat, atau bahkan terbang!
- Background Soundtracks for Main Menu and during game play
- GUI Changes