It’s time to update your mobile application. 20,000+ users downloaded PUBG Crates Opener latest version on 9Apps for free every week! By use it, you can upgrade your abilities smartly. This hot app was released on 2020-06-11. If you wanna more apps besides this, turn to 9Apps.
Open boxes and cases from the popular game, getting rare weapons, selling them or exchanging them for more expensive ones.
The game has all the weapons from the game PUBG. In addition to the usual boxes and cases, available secret case, which is hidden the most expensive weapon!
The game is translated into many languages, so it will be clear to all people in the world.
In the game you can open cases, buy and sell weapons, as well as sign a contract, exchanging old for new ones.
Also, the game has a system of titles that increase with the development of the game.
Well, stop reading, download and try to knock out the most expensive weapons in the game and pump up to the title of Diamond!
Buka kotak dan kasing dari gim populer, dapatkan senjata langka, jual, atau tukarkan dengan yang lebih mahal.
Gim ini memiliki semua senjata dari gim PUBG. Selain kotak dan kasing biasa, tersedia kasing rahasia, yang merupakan senjata paling mahal!
Game ini diterjemahkan ke dalam banyak bahasa, sehingga akan menjadi jelas bagi semua orang di dunia.
Dalam gim Anda dapat membuka kasing, membeli dan menjual senjata, serta menandatangani kontrak, bertukar yang lama dengan yang baru.
Selain itu, game memiliki sistem judul yang meningkat seiring dengan perkembangan game.
Nah, berhentilah membaca, mengunduh, dan mencoba merobohkan senjata paling mahal dalam gim ini dan memompa hingga ke judul Diamond!
New cases added.
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