ikon Mini Guns - Omega Wars

Mini Guns - Omega Wars Verified icon

2.2.0 for Android
4.2 | 1,000,000+ Instal | ULASAN

Kabam Games, Inc.

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Penjabaran dari 9apps Mini Guns

Free and secured download of Android apps on 9Apps. 20,000+ users downloaded Mini Guns latest version on 9Apps for free every week! All its functions are there and updated. This hot app was released on 2019-12-23. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
Mini Guns is a real-time multiplayer strategy game featuring the Minis, toy soldiers that come to life on the battlefield. Collect and upgrade over 100 figurines, from rifleman and infantry units to heavy tanks and bombers. Team up with your friends to destroy the enemy base in cooperative multiplayer and earn Honor for your Alliance to reach the top of the leaderboards.
Mini Guns adalah gim strategi multipemain real-time yang menampilkan Minis, tentara mainan yang hidup kembali di medan perang. Kumpulkan dan tingkatkan lebih dari 100 patung, dari unit senapan dan infanteri hingga tank dan pembom berat. Bergabunglah dengan teman-teman Anda untuk menghancurkan basis musuh di multiplayer kooperatif dan dapatkan Kehormatan untuk Aliansi Anda untuk mencapai puncak papan peringkat.

Memperbarui Mini Guns 2.2.0

New unit details and many more changes (including bug fixes and balancing) at: https://redd.it/dve4zx


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    Android 5.0 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Kabam Games, Inc.
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  • avatar
    tolong kasih bahasa indonesia
    2021-01-22 19:44
  • avatar
    Tolong dong kabam games Marvel champion gak di masukin ke realme kenapa? pls jawab
    2021-01-07 00:18
  • avatar
    2020-12-21 12:42
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    Tolong Di Tambahkan Bahasa Indonesia Dan Benderanya full dunia Karena ini game seru dari pada game yang serupa di sebelah
    2020-12-17 13:15
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    Tolong update map lagi
    2020-12-11 10:54
  • avatar
    can you pls update so i can rate 5 stars👍 :)
    2020-12-06 08:32