Have you ever read one of those reviews about a app? 20,000+ users downloaded MiniCraft latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app is superior that can be used with any of the mobile type. This hot app was released on 2018-06-09. Even if you’re not a fan of this app, you’ll love it after reading this page.
Mini Craft free: Create whatever you want in your world!
Mini Craft free Features:
1.Survival Story Mode:
You must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health.
You have to gather natural resources such as wood and stone found in the environment in order to craft certain blocks and items
2. Creative Story Mode:
You have access to all resources and items in the game through the inventory menu, and can place or remove them instantly. You can toggle the ability to fly freely around the game world at will, and their characters do not take any damage and are not affected by hunger.This mode help you focus on building and creating large projects.
You will enjoy a great experience on Crafting and Exploration .
Mini Craft bebas: Buat apa pun yang Anda inginkan di dunia Anda!
Mini Craft Fitur gratis:
1.Survival Story Mode:
Anda harus mendapatkan sumber daya untuk membangun dunia dan menjaga kesehatan.
Anda harus mengumpulkan sumber daya alam seperti kayu dan batu yang ditemukan di lingkungan dalam rangka untuk kerajinan blok tertentu dan item
2. Kreatif Story Mode:
Anda memiliki akses ke semua sumber daya dan barang-barang dalam permainan melalui menu persediaan, dan dapat menempatkan atau menghapusnya langsung. Anda dapat beralih kemampuan untuk terbang bebas di sekitar dunia game di akan, dan karakter mereka tidak mengambil kerusakan dan tidak terpengaruh oleh modus hunger.This membantu Anda fokus pada membangun dan menciptakan proyek-proyek besar.
Anda akan menikmati pengalaman hebat di Kerajinan dan Eksplorasi.
Mini Craft: Survival Creative Story free
V 8.4.2.mcpe Fix Crash bug, Fix ads bug
V 9.4.2.mcpe Fix reopen game no response bug
V 10.4.2.mcpe Fix ingame ANR bug