ikon Guess The Footballer From Their Celebrations Quiz

Guess The Footballer From Their Celebrations Quiz

3.2.6z for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instal

iBuzz Media Studio

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9Apps provide best free android apps download. 30,000+ users downloaded Guess Player Goal Celebration latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app has been greatly welcomed in India. This hot app was released on 2018-04-10. And it takes your phone small room to run it.
Can you guess the footballer from a silhouette of his goal celebration? Test your knowledge in our fun quiz
Most goal celebrations used to be the same: One or two hands in the air, jog back to your team-mates for handshakes all round, before quickly getting on with the game.
Nowadays, all the top players have their own distinct celebration they perform for each goal. Some are only performed once.
A dance, a stance, a jump, a knee slide, arms out, different shapes with their hands, sometimes even using props, the options are seemingly endless.
But how well do you know them? Could you recognise the player from just a silhouette?
We've produced 50+ blacked-out pictures of players - past and present - and your task is to identify them all, each from four options.
Total 100+ questions. Updating Weekly.
Let's Start The Game. Have Fun And Good Luck :)
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iBUZZ Studio Creating fast paced, fun, challenging and addicting apps/games for everyone. “Laugh often, Dream big, Reach for the stars!”
This app is made by football fans, and it is unofficial. The content in this app is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by any company.
All copyright and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. The images in this application are collected from around the web, if we are in breach of copyright, please let us know and it will be removed as soon as possible.
Special thanks: Khalid 10
Dapatkah Anda menebak pemain sepak bola dari siluet perayaan golnya? Menguji pengetahuan Anda dalam menyenangkan kuis kami
Kebanyakan perayaan gol dulu sama: Satu atau dua tangan di udara, joging kembali ke rekan-rekan Anda untuk jabat tangan semua putaran, sebelum cepat bergaul dengan permainan.
Saat ini, semua pemain top memiliki perayaan yang berbeda mereka sendiri mereka melakukan untuk setiap tujuan. Beberapa hanya dilakukan sekali.
Sebuah tarian, sikap, melompat, slide lutut, lengan keluar, bentuk yang berbeda dengan tangan mereka, kadang-kadang bahkan menggunakan alat peraga, pilihan yang tampaknya tak berujung.
Tapi seberapa baik Anda mengenal mereka? Bisakah Anda mengenali pemain dari hanya siluet?
Kami telah memproduksi 50 + dihitamkan gambar pemain - masa lalu dan sekarang - dan tugas Anda adalah untuk mengidentifikasi mereka semua, masing-masing dari empat opsi.
Total 100 + pertanyaan. Memperbarui Weekly.
Mari kita Mulai Game. Have Fun Dan Good Luck :)
Menilai dan berbagi jika Anda suka!
Untuk pertanyaan / fitur di Guess The Players Dari Perayaan mereka Quiz Game silahkan email kami: ibuzzstudio@gmail.com
iBuzz Studio Menciptakan serba cepat, menyenangkan, menantang dan adiktif apps / game untuk semua orang. “Tertawa sering, Mimpi besar, Raihlah bintang!”
Aplikasi ini dibuat oleh penggemar sepak bola, dan itu tidak resmi. Konten dalam aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan, didukung, disponsori, atau secara khusus disetujui oleh setiap perusahaan.
Semua hak cipta dan merek dagang yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing pemilik. Gambar dalam aplikasi ini dikumpulkan dari seluruh web, jika kita melanggar hak cipta, silakan beritahu kami dan itu akan dihapus sesegera mungkin.
Terima kasih khusus: Khalid 10

Memperbarui Guess Player Goal Celebration 3.2.6z

Can you guess the footballer from a silhouette of his goal celebration? Test your knowledge in our fun quiz


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    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    iBuzz Media Studio
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