Recently, we found a very popular application. 10,000+ users downloaded FPS : Commando Striker War latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And it was enormous fun This hot app was released on 2015-05-04. It get a lot of recognition after release.
FPS : Commando Striker War is Game For all fans of action games, FPS games (First-Person Shooters), war games, and for all players who want to dominate the battlefield!
Whenever I wasn't setting up a shot, emptying my lungs, and pumping a sharp metal bullet through the thick skull of an unsuspecting enemy soldier, I was frustrated with Island Sniper Shooting.Not because the surrounding mechanics are broken or the levels are poorly structured, as the subsidiary elements of this first-person shooter are, for the most part, serviceable.However, every action building up to you actually pulling the trigger of a rifle feels more like a chore than an interesting setup for the perfect shot. There's an undeniable satisfaction that stems from the glorious slow-motion kills that abound in Island Sniper Shooting 3D, but missions tend to promote stealthy, silent take downs rather than the grotesque head shots it does so well.