Discover apps for Android here, 20,000+ users downloaded Egg for Pou latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And now, this app adds more functions. This hot app was released on 2019-01-17. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
Discover what's hidden inside the egg! Tap, knock and smash on the egg until it's broken to bring your surprise to life.
Once you hatch the egg, you can start taking care of your new pet. You should take care of him by giving him nice hot baths, playing with him and putting him to bed.
More features, games and activities coming soon.
Temukan apa yang tersembunyi di dalam telur! Tekan, mengetuk dan menghancurkan pada telur sampai itu rusak untuk membawa kejutan Anda untuk hidup.
Setelah Anda menetas telur, Anda dapat mulai merawat hewan peliharaan baru Anda. Anda harus merawatnya dengan memberinya panas mandi bagus, bermain dengan dia dan menempatkan dia ke tempat tidur.
Lebih banyak fitur, permainan dan kegiatan segera hadir.
New egg game.
Fixed issues.