ikon Double Dash - Tap Tap Geometry Jump Platformer

Double Dash - Tap Tap Geometry Jump Platformer

1.12.0 for Android
3.0 | 50,000+ Instal

Straight Up

Penjabaran dari 9apps Double Dash

I wants to share an app for all of you. 30,000+ users downloaded Double Dash latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This is a wonderful app which is unique in android apps. This hot app was released on 2018-05-16. 9Apps allows you to download more apps and updated daily!
Teleport and jump to avoid obstacles in this addicting rhythm-based arcade platformer!
Get ready for 2x the obstacles and 2x the challenge in the world of Double Dash! Teleport through the sands of Ancient Egypt, samurai through Feudal Japan, find love in 18th Century Paris, and more! Five beautiful and challenging worlds to explore. Can you SURVIVE?
Easy to play, difficult to master. Each world requires a new strategy. Test your reflexes to jump and teleport through each world's unique obstacles!
Game Features:
◘ Rhythm-based Action Platformer with a fun new Teleporting ability!
◘ Lots of levels with unique soundtracks!
◘ Collect artifacts to unlock additional levels.
◘ Jump, bounce, and slide your way through.
◘ Test your reflexes and improve your skills!
◘ Unlock achievements and rewards.
◘ The Ultimate Challenge - can you beat the game?
Teleport dan melompat untuk menghindari rintangan di adiktif berbasis irama-arcade platformer ini!
Bersiap-siap untuk 2x rintangan dan 2x tantangan di dunia Double Dash! Teleport melalui pasir Mesir Kuno, samurai melalui feodal Jepang, menemukan cinta di abad ke-18 Paris, dan banyak lagi! Lima dunia yang indah dan menantang untuk mengeksplorasi. Dapatkah Anda SURVIVE?
Mudah untuk bermain, sulit untuk menguasai. Setiap dunia memerlukan strategi baru. Menguji refleks Anda untuk melompat dan teleport melalui rintangan unik setiap dunia!
Fitur Game:
Berbasis Rhythm ◘ Aksi platformer dengan kemampuan Teleport baru fun!
Banyak ◘ dari tingkat dengan soundtrack yang unik!
◘ Kumpulkan artefak untuk membuka tingkat tambahan.
◘ Langsung, mental, dan geser jalan Anda melalui.
◘ Tes refleks dan meningkatkan keterampilan Anda!
◘ Aktifkan prestasi dan penghargaan.
◘ The Ultimate Challenge - dapat Anda mengalahkan permainan?

Memperbarui Double Dash 1.12.0

Say hello to buttery smooth 60FPS gameplay! We made some improvements to squeeze more pixels into each frame :)
Send your questions, comments, and thoughts to our team at support@straightup.fun


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Straight Up
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