ikon Transformasi RobotDino: saurus

Transformasi RobotDino: saurus

1.34.12 for Android
4.0 | 1,000,000+ Instal | ULASAN

FirstFox Games

Penjabaran dari 9apps Transformasi RobotDino: saurus

Berbagai robot dinosaurus yang dibuat berdasarkan dinosaurus yang muncul pada periode Jurassic dan Cretaceous semuanya telah berkumpul!
Pilih Robot Dino yang Anda inginkan, merakitnya,
Mengubah Robot Dino yang telah dirakit melalui slot dino transform.
Berbagai gerakan disiapkan untuk setiap transformasi.
Harap diingat bahwa Robot Dino baru akan diperbarui.
▼Dino Robot and background description
In Dino World, There is an evil force that wants to conquer,
Representatives are the "BlackUnion", a group that values power and has tremendous ambitions, and the group "MachineLegion" of the law of the jungle.
The BlackUnion consists of the Commander Giganotosaurus and captain of the bodyguard, Smilodon Black and the scientist Baryonyx.
In the "MachineLegion", the Legion Boss Terminator T-Rex leads the Legion.
They habitually destroy from place to place in continents and confuse the world.
Eventually they attacked Tyranno City, known as the City of Peace,
To prevent them, T-Rex Red, who leads the elite squad of Tyranno City, "Storm Dragon"
The original members, the ancient Octopus, and the Triceratops of Double Target, who are responsible for the city's security, are helping to stop them.
Meanwhile, there are dinosaurs that do not belong anywhere and live anywhere the continent.
A typical example is the black octopus and the outlaw Alpha Megalodon of the sea. Also The ancient King Kong, the guardian of the forest, protects the wide jungle.

Memperbarui Transformasi RobotDino: saurus 1.34.12

▼Hotfix Update Transform! Dino Robot: dinosour (Apr.11.2022)
- Fixes an issue where Ceratosaurus could not be combine.
▽Update Transform! Dino Robot: dinosour (Sep.16.2021)
- Add GodTyranno , The Strongest Monster Dino Robot


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    Android 5.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    FirstFox Games
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  • avatar
    2024-01-23 07:41
  • avatar
    Game bagus ada semua dino saurus game nya seru rakit dinosaurus robot gito firrsfox update lagi biar dinosaurusnya lebih banyak
    2024-01-20 09:55
  • avatar
    Gamenya seru dan banyak dino robot yang bisa di uji dan dilihat evolusinya.walaupun masih ada yang harus diperbaiki tapi gpp lah yang penting bisa di mainin developer semangat untuk mengembangkan game dan aplikasinya
    2024-01-01 06:04
  • avatar
    Gamenya sih sangat seru tapi mohon untuk dinonya bisa digabung
    2023-12-31 04:40
  • avatar
    Ini adalah geme yang aku mainkan lain kali kalau di developer orang developernya tolong buatin robot yang lebih banyak ya
    2023-12-30 03:48
  • avatar
    nostalgia banget
    2023-12-27 03:35