9Apps is your first choice to download apps. 20,000+ users downloaded Crowd Town latest version on 9Apps for free every week! If you are not comfortable with the old version then you can updated it right now. This hot app was released on 2019-07-20. If you want it so go head and download it and enjoy your app.
Make the biggest crowd in the town! Bit the record in the battle of crowds!
App simulator must be popular among your friends.
Best game about people city wars and urban atmosphere especially for you!
- Town has 5 types, small and large maps, crowded people walk along the streets.
- The city simulator consists of separate town zones (there are a lot of them), where a player men appear.
- The running crowd is gradually lagging behind the character and you should wait until other players will not capture it.
- This new crowd simulator is free, no money!
- The game session has time limit around 2-4 minutes, when it happens - gameover.
- No fight against zombies or kill, only people or citizens.
- Your goal: crush all enemies in the city and grab the world population.
Pick color for your man and run with group of people to collect new persons!
Get as much as you can!
It one of the best crowd simulation game!
Play and enjoy!
Buat kerumunan terbesar di kota! Menggigit catatan dalam pertempuran orang banyak!
Simulator aplikasi harus populer di antara teman-teman Anda.
Game terbaik tentang perang kota orang dan suasana perkotaan khusus untuk Anda!
- Kota memiliki 5 jenis, peta kecil dan besar, orang-orang ramai berjalan di sepanjang jalan.
- Simulator kota terdiri dari zona kota yang terpisah (ada banyak zona kota), tempat seorang pemain pria muncul.
- Kerumunan berjalan secara bertahap tertinggal di belakang karakter dan Anda harus menunggu sampai pemain lain tidak akan menangkapnya.
- Simulator kerumunan baru ini gratis, tidak ada uang!
- Sesi permainan memiliki batas waktu sekitar 2-4 menit, ketika itu terjadi - gameover.
- Tidak ada perang melawan zombie atau membunuh, hanya orang atau warga negara.
- Tujuan Anda: hancurkan semua musuh di kota dan dapatkan populasi dunia.
Pilih warna untuk pria Anda dan jalankan dengan sekelompok orang untuk mengumpulkan orang baru!
Dapatkan sebanyak yang Anda bisa!
Itu salah satu game simulasi kerumunan terbaik!
Main dan nikmati!