ikon Car Logo Quiz - The Game about Brands of Cars

Car Logo Quiz - The Game about Brands of Cars

3.30 for Android
4.8 | 50,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Car Logos

What makes me unbelievable is that 20,000+ users downloaded Car Logo Quiz - The Game about Brands of Cars latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And it was enormous fun This hot app was released on 2020-05-04. To know more information, read the paragraph below.
Do you like cars? Do you well know car brands and its logos? Or, on the contrary, do you want to learn them? Then this quiz is exactly for you!
More than 300 car logos, more than 20 levels and 4 additional game modes — this is what awaits you. Test your knowledge in this quiz!
Go through the levels, collect points, compete with other players and learn more about cars in the game form!
The principle of the game is very simple - you look at the car logo or a part of it, and you should collect its brand’s name using the presented letters.
Open new levels, get daily bonuses, use hints, learn car’s brands and complete the whole game!
Besides the Main game mode there are two kinds of additional games in the quiz — "Competitive mode" and "Free mode". In the first mode you play with the score and the timer, also your result will record to the leaderboard. In the second mode you play without timer and score — here you can choose number of question and number of answers. Also here you can change the set of cars in quiz by countries as you wish.
In the "Competitive mode" and in the "Free mode" there are 4 different games:
✔ "Arcade". Here you open the car’s logo by parts and try to guess the brand as soon as possible.
✔ "Guess the Brand". Here you guess the car brand using its emblem.
✔ "Guess the Country". It is hard game mode where you must guess the car’s country (where situated its headquarters) using the logo of the car.
✔ "True or False". Easy mode where player must answer — Does the displayed car logo match to the displayed car brand or not?
✔ More than 300 car emblems.
✔ More than 20 game levels.
✔ Useful hints. They replenish after each guessed car logo.
✔ Daily bonuses. They help to guess hard questions.
✔ Online player’s ratings. Enter in your Google Play Games account for compete with your friends and other players.
✔ The game statistics. Monitor your progress at each game stage.
✔ The application does not require Internet access — you can play anywhere and anytime.
✔ The game is optimized for all modern phones and tablets.
✔ Simple, clear and user-friendly interface.
Apakah kamu suka mobil? Apakah Anda tahu merek mobil dan logonya? Atau, sebaliknya, apakah Anda ingin mempelajarinya? Maka kuis ini tepat untuk Anda!
Lebih dari 300 logo mobil, lebih dari 20 level, dan 4 mode permainan tambahan - inilah yang menanti Anda. Uji pengetahuan Anda dalam kuis ini!
Pergi melalui level, kumpulkan poin, bersaing dengan pemain lain dan pelajari lebih lanjut tentang mobil dalam bentuk permainan!
Prinsip permainan ini sangat sederhana - Anda melihat logo mobil atau bagian dari itu, dan Anda harus mengumpulkan nama mereknya menggunakan huruf yang disajikan.
Buka level baru, dapatkan bonus harian, gunakan petunjuk, pelajari merek mobil, dan selesaikan seluruh permainan!
Selain mode permainan Utama ada dua jenis game tambahan dalam kuis - "Mode kompetitif" dan "mode Gratis". Pada mode pertama Anda bermain dengan skor dan timer, juga hasil Anda akan merekam ke leaderboard. Dalam mode kedua Anda bermain tanpa timer dan skor - di sini Anda dapat memilih jumlah pertanyaan dan jumlah jawaban. Juga di sini Anda dapat mengubah set mobil di kuis oleh negara sesuai keinginan.
Dalam "mode kompetitif" dan dalam "mode bebas" ada 4 permainan yang berbeda:
✔ "Arcade". Di sini Anda membuka logo mobil per bagian dan mencoba menebak merek sesegera mungkin.
✔ "Tebak Merek". Di sini Anda menebak merek mobil menggunakan lambangnya.
✔ "Tebak Negara". Ini adalah mode permainan yang sulit di mana Anda harus menebak negara mobil (tempat kantor pusatnya) menggunakan logo mobil.
✔ "Benar atau Salah". Mode mudah di mana pemain harus menjawab - Apakah logo mobil yang ditampilkan cocok dengan merek mobil yang ditampilkan atau tidak?
✔ Lebih dari 300 emblem mobil.
✔ Lebih dari 20 level game.
✔ petunjuk yang berguna. Mereka mengisi kembali setelah setiap logo mobil ditebak.
✔ bonus harian. Mereka membantu menebak pertanyaan-pertanyaan sulit.
✔ peringkat pemain online. Masukkan akun Google Play Game Anda untuk bersaing dengan teman dan pemain lain.
✔ Statistik permainan. Pantau kemajuan Anda di setiap tahap game.
✔ Aplikasi ini tidak memerlukan akses Internet - Anda dapat bermain di mana saja dan kapan saja.
✔ Permainan ini dioptimalkan untuk semua ponsel dan tablet modern.
✔ Antarmuka yang sederhana, jelas, dan mudah digunakan.

Memperbarui Car Logos 3.30

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