ikon Bubble Birds Shooter

Bubble Birds Shooter

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps Bubble Spark Desk Shooter

Some India application are update now! 30,000+ users downloaded Bubble Spark Desk Shooter latest version on 9Apps for free every week! In addition, the latest version of the app has updated a lot of features. This hot app was released on 2020-01-19. If you like it, just download and enjoy this app!
Bubble Birds Shooter is a fun bubble game where you have to shoot colored bubbles until you gather groups of at least three bubbles of the same color.
You can choose two game modes:
- Endless Mode
- Puzzle mode
In Endless mode you must explode all the bubbles in the shortest time possible and avoid that, in its slow fall, touch the surface of the ground.
In Puzzle mode you must explode the bubbles and go freeing all the birds that are locked in between them. You have 120 levels and as you progress, the difficulty increases and the number of birds you have to release.
Enjoy and have a great time with this addictive bubble game Bubble Birds Shooter.
Bubble Birds Shooter adalah gim gelembung yang menyenangkan di mana Anda harus menembak gelembung berwarna sampai Anda mengumpulkan setidaknya tiga kelompok gelembung dengan warna yang sama.
Anda dapat memilih dua mode game:
- Mode Tanpa Akhir
- Mode puzzle
Dalam mode Tanpa Akhir Anda harus meledakkan semua gelembung dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin dan menghindarinya, saat jatuh dengan lambat, menyentuh permukaan tanah.
Dalam mode Teka-teki Anda harus meledakkan gelembung dan membebaskan semua burung yang terkunci di antaranya. Anda memiliki 120 level dan saat Anda maju, kesulitannya meningkat dan jumlah burung yang harus Anda lepaskan.
Nikmati dan bersenang-senang dengan game gelembung adiktif Bubble Shooter Burung ini.


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
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