ikon BTS Quiz

BTS Quiz

1.0 for Android
4.3 | 10,000+ Instal


Penjabaran dari 9apps BTSQuiz

With the development of technology, more and more apps appeared in the mobile market. 30,000+ users downloaded BTSQuiz latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is simply to learn how to use it. This hot app was released on 2019-07-03. You can free download it from 9Apps.
We composed the quiz with various knowledge that a BTS fan should know.
It's quite tense with OX quizzes and multiple choice questions.
It's divided into three types of game modes.
*. BTS chapter quiz
*. BTS survival quiz
*. BTS ranking quiz
For new fans we recommend to first build your skills through the chapter quiz, and then enjoy the survival and ranking quiz.
You can find out the points of the BTS fans from all over the world at the record room.
If you find wrong information, please send us an e-mail.
We'll check it out and correct it.
Thank you.
Kami menyusun kuis dengan berbagai pengetahuan yang harus diketahui penggemar BTS.
Ini cukup tegang dengan kuis OX dan pertanyaan pilihan ganda.
Ini dibagi menjadi tiga jenis mode permainan.
*. Kuis bab BTS
*. Kuis kelangsungan hidup BTS
*. Kuis peringkat BTS
Untuk penggemar baru, kami sarankan untuk terlebih dahulu membangun keterampilan Anda melalui kuis bab, dan kemudian menikmati kuis bertahan hidup dan peringkat.
Anda dapat mengetahui poin dari penggemar BTS dari seluruh dunia di ruang rekaman.
Jika Anda menemukan informasi yang salah, silakan kirim email kepada kami.
Kami akan memeriksanya dan memperbaikinya.
Terima kasih.


Memperbarui BTSQuiz 1.0

bug fix.


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    Android 4.0 or later
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