9Apps provide lots of India android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded વાત latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This is a wonderful app which is unique in android apps. This hot app was released on 2018-10-10. For more mobile apps information, you can go to our official website - 9Apps.
VAAT is one-of-a-kind Voice based Android Assistance Tool which allows using your Android Smartphone on Voice commands given in INDIAN REGIONAL LANGUAGES (This version supports Gujarati language). VAAT is developed by the company Techsamvaad Private Limited which is an DIPP registered Indian Start-up. VAAT has the ease of Speech Recognition and allows you to use features of your phone such as Retrieving Information such as People & Places, finding locations, Check the Weather and Forecast, check installed applications on your phone and even talk to it like a Companion. VAAT works completely FREE and has no hidden or subscriptions charges. Switch to VAAT to have an ease of using your Android Smartphone.
NO NEED TO CLICK THE DESKTOP ICON: VAAT provides you an Assistive Button on your screen on which it works. Click the Assistive button to start the application.
OPTIONAL TALKBACK: VAAT comes with talkback features or voice-based responses. It answers to your questions like Human Interactions. VAAT provides you to Turn ON or OFF the voice response according to your preference.
MULTIMEDIA: VAAT allows you to take pictures, find your clicked pictures and videos in the order of yesterday or last week or even specific days. VAAT allows you to turn on the music player and even manage it there without switching the application. VAAT can even entertain you like a Companion to answer trivial questions. VAAT can also help you to find information regarding People or Places.
UTILITIES: VAAT allows you dial a number, check your messages, open installed applications in your Smartphone. VAAT can also provide you weather and forecast based on your location. VAAT allows you to find locations such as ATMs, Banks, Restaurants and even Shopping malls as well.
NO PASSWORDS: VAAT does not bother you with passwords or PINs unlike other applications. Just let the application know the basics about you and you are good to go!
VAAT adalah Alat Bantuan Android berbasis Voice yang memungkinkan penggunaan Smartphone Android Anda pada perintah Voice yang diberikan dalam INDIAN REGIONAL LANGUAGES (Versi ini mendukung bahasa Gujarati). VAAT dikembangkan oleh perusahaan Techsamvaad Private Limited yang merupakan Startup India yang terdaftar di DIPP. VAAT memiliki kemudahan Speech Recognition dan memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan fitur ponsel Anda seperti Mengambil Informasi seperti People & Places, menemukan lokasi, Memeriksa Cuaca dan Prakiraan, memeriksa aplikasi yang diinstal di ponsel Anda dan bahkan berbicara dengannya seperti seorang Companion. VAAT berfungsi sepenuhnya GRATIS dan tidak memiliki biaya tersembunyi atau langganan. Beralih ke VAAT agar mudah menggunakan Ponsel Cerdas Android Anda.
TIDAK PERLU KLIK ICON DESKTOP: VAAT menyediakan Tombol Assistive di layar Anda yang berfungsi. Klik tombol Assistive untuk memulai aplikasi.
TALKBACK OPSIONAL: VAAT dilengkapi dengan fitur bincang-bincang atau tanggapan berbasis suara. Ini jawaban atas pertanyaan Anda seperti Interaksi Manusia. VAAT memberi Anda untuk MENGAKTIFKAN atau MENONAKTIFKAN respons suara sesuai dengan preferensi Anda.
MULTIMEDIA: VAAT memungkinkan Anda mengambil gambar, menemukan gambar dan video yang diklik dalam urutan kemarin atau minggu lalu atau bahkan hari-hari tertentu. VAAT memungkinkan Anda menyalakan pemutar musik dan bahkan mengaturnya tanpa beralih aplikasi. VAAT bahkan dapat menghibur Anda seperti seorang Companion untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sepele. VAAT juga dapat membantu Anda menemukan informasi tentang Orang atau Tempat.
UTILITIES: VAAT memungkinkan Anda menghubungi nomor, memeriksa pesan Anda, membuka aplikasi yang terinstal di Smartphone Anda. VAAT juga dapat memberi Anda cuaca dan perkiraan berdasarkan lokasi Anda. VAAT memungkinkan Anda untuk menemukan lokasi seperti ATM, Bank, Restoran, dan bahkan Pusat perbelanjaan juga.
NO PASSWORDS: VAAT tidak mengganggu Anda dengan kata sandi atau PIN tidak seperti aplikasi lain. Biarkan aplikasi tahu dasar-dasar tentang Anda dan Anda siap untuk pergi!
* Please provide all the permissions asked to run the application
* After installation click on the assistive button to start the application.
* Click the top right button to see Settings, How to use this Application and About us.
** This application is internet speed sensitive for various features and works best for networks with minimum speed of 60kbps. Please do wait while the result is fetched in case of slow data connection (Slow data connection detection is on.) **