ikon Intent Radio

Intent Radio

1.9.11 for Android
4.5 | 5,000+ Instal

Stephen Blott

Penjabaran dari 9apps Intent Radio

Intent Radio (or IR) is an audio media app without a graphical user interface. It is controlled exclusively through the delivery of broadcast intents, typically generated by automation apps such as Tasker. If you don’t know what a broadcast intent is, then this is probably not the app for you.
Despite the name, IR will happily play local audio media too.
It’s simple: automation.
Tasker is an automation app for Android. It’s a small graphical programming language combined with a mechanism to fire off tasks in response to various events.
IR was written primarily to be driven by Tasker, either via task shortcuts, or in response to events such as a headset plugged in or out. Or perhaps based on the type of network to which you’re attached. Or the network’s SSID . Or the time of day. Or the day of the week. Or some combination of the above. Or whatever…
And it goes on...
Automatically change station at a particular time. Or turn off (or on) at a particular time.
Or listen to different stations depending on where you are. Or use AutoVoice to choose a radio station.
Or choose a random station from a playlist. And so on.
Put another way, Intent Radio provides external access to an instance of the Android MediaPlayer.
For more details, see the project web page: http://intent-radio.smblott.org/
Please report issues on GitHub: https://github.com/smblott-github/intent_radio/issues
If you have a previous version of Intent Radio installed, perhaps installed from F-Droid, then you will have to uninstall that version before installing this version.
Or, you can always just stick with that version.
They're the same thing.

Memperbarui Intent Radio 1.9.11

- Add permission to read external storage.
This should allow playback of media stored there.
- Just an update to the default URL (the BBC have been diddling with their URLs).
- Considerably better (but not yet perfect) handling of drops due to
intermittent network connectivity.
- Now defaults to reconnect on network drops.
- Fixed minor bugs and/or inconsistencies.


  • Kategori:
    Musik & Audio
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Stephen Blott
  • ID: