📣(٢٨)(حرف الجيم) احذر من تفخيمه أو إبداله بشين أو دال أو جيم مصرية أو همسه أو رخاوته،Algem letter
Learn Quran App by Dr Farhat Hashmi Official Youtube Channel
📣(٢٦) كل معلومات(حرف القاف)إدغامه في ( نَخْلُقكُّم )وقلقلته وتفخيمه وفي الحروف المقطعة Alqaf letter
Correct jitter, its control, its causes, how to master it, and training on it
The apparent and assimilated verb laam (Say yes and we said) Explanation of the silent lamas
A complete explanation of the adverbs of Ra’, an easy and simple explanation with exercises
A course on the exits of the letters and their attributes with the exit of the throat
exercises on how to hide the noun and tanween before the letters taa’, dal, seen, faa’ and kaf?