Here provides top Free Android Apps. 20,000+ users downloaded I-Pledge latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Therefore, people are willing to accept this latest version. This hot app was released on 2018-11-14. Just download it and use on your android phone!
In i-Pledge app, your customers can pledge to support two unique causes: Save bones through early diagnosis & reduce the incidence of preterm birth & associated complications.
This iPledge application allows your customers to be part of this initiative, and show their support by registering themselves & uploading their image for the cause.
Dalam aplikasi i-Pledge, pelanggan Anda dapat berjanji untuk mendukung dua penyebab unik: Simpan tulang melalui diagnosis dini & mengurangi insiden kelahiran prematur & komplikasi yang terkait.
Aplikasi iPledge ini memungkinkan pelanggan Anda untuk menjadi bagian dari inisiatif ini, dan menunjukkan dukungan mereka dengan mendaftarkan diri & mengunggah gambar mereka untuk penyebabnya.
In i-Pledge app, your customers can pledge to support two unique causes: Save bones through early diagnosis & reduce the incidence of preterm birth & associated complications.
This iPledge application allows your customers to be part of this initiative, and show their support by registering themselves & uploading their image for the cause.