ikon iLauncher IOS12 - Icon Pack IOS 12

iLauncher IOS12 - Icon Pack IOS 12

4.17042019 for Android
3.5 | 100,000+ Instal | ULASAN

Make Something Good

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Download and enjoy our service, 30,000+ users downloaded Launcher IOS 12 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app is intended for an adult audience. This hot app was released on 2019-06-20. More apps was release recently, you can download them and share with your friends!
iLauncher IOS 12 (Theme & Wallpaper) is Official launcher for your Android phone, and you can customize this launcher the way you want it to be: apply your favorite themes, wallpapers
Themes (icon packs) are offered for your customization with different stylish menu & lock screen themes, wallpapers, icons and contacts themes.
Powered by 3D animation engine with graphic effects, 3D themes and widgets, iLauncher & Lock screen enables 3D transition, and will bring you a magic transition effects experience.
Change the UI on your android launcher, DIY and beautify your own icon packs
Notification bar Phone 11 x plus ( iNotification )
Swipe down to display notification bar (inoty) like Phone 11
iLauncher IOS 12 (Tema & Wallpaper) adalah Peluncur resmi untuk ponsel Android Anda, dan Anda dapat menyesuaikan peluncur ini seperti yang Anda inginkan: menerapkan tema favorit Anda, wallpaper
Tema (paket ikon) yang ditawarkan untuk kustomisasi Anda dengan tema menu & layar kunci tema yang berbeda, wallpaper, ikon dan tema kontak.
Didukung oleh mesin animasi 3D dengan efek grafis, tema dan widget 3D, layar iLauncher & Lock memungkinkan transisi 3D, dan akan menghadirkan pengalaman efek transisi sihir.
Ubah UI di peluncur android Anda, DIY dan percantik paket ikon Anda sendiri
Notification bar Phone 11 x plus (iNotification)
Geser ke bawah untuk menampilkan bilah notifikasi (inoty) seperti Telepon 11

Memperbarui Launcher IOS 12 4.17042019

fix bug launcher ios12


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  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Make Something Good
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  • avatar
    Ora mutu blas
    2019-11-24 10:23
  • avatar
    Semoga bisa di tampilkan di beranda😊😊 biar puasss
    2019-11-21 03:19
  • avatar
    apk apa ini gak bisa di pakai
    2019-10-07 05:14
  • avatar
    aplikasi Kontol , belum aja di mulai iklanya udah numpuk , jangan di install !
    2019-08-06 05:09
  • avatar
    Gak jelaz
    2019-06-10 08:49
  • avatar
    2019-04-08 06:17