I'm glad to tell you that 20,000+ users downloaded आल्हा रामायण latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This is one of my favorite apps. This hot app was released on 2018-05-13. Just use it when absolutely necessary.
The Ramayana :- The epic (Ramayan) belongs to the genre of itihasalike Mahabharata. Ramayana takes place during a period of time known as Treta Yuga.
Valmiki's Ramayana is an epic poem of some 24,000 verses. The text survives in several thousand partial and complete manuscripts, the oldest of which is a palm-leaf manuscript found in Nepal and dated to the 11th century CE. The discovery of a 6th-century manuscript of the Ramayana at the Asiatic Society library, Kolkata. The Ramayana text has several regional renderings, recensions. The Ramayana, like the Mahabharata, is a growth of centuries, but the main story is more distinctly the creation of one mind."
“Alha Ramayan” App Features ::
:: Very easy interface.
:: Alha Ramayan in mp3 format.
:: Alha Ramayan can be downloaded in mp3 format.
:: Alha Ramayan can be set as phone, sms or alarm ringtone.
:: Inbuilt mp3 player for hassle free listening with repeat and shuffle option.
Ramayana: - Epik (Ramayan) milik genre itihasalike Mahabharata. Ramayana berlangsung selama periode waktu yang dikenal sebagai Treta Yuga.
Valmiki Ramayana adalah sebuah puisi epik dari sekitar 24.000 ayat. teks bertahan di beberapa ribu naskah parsial dan lengkap, yang tertua dari yang merupakan lontar ditemukan di Nepal dan tanggal untuk abad ke-11. Penemuan naskah abad ke-6 dari Ramayana di perpustakaan Asiatic Society, Kolkata. Ramayana teks memiliki beberapa rendering daerah, turunan. Ramayana, seperti Mahabharata, adalah pertumbuhan berabad-abad, tetapi cerita utama lebih jelas penciptaan satu pikiran."
“Alha Ramayan” App Fitur ::
:: Sangat mudah antarmuka.
:: Alha Ramayan dalam format mp3.
:: Alha Ramayan dapat didownload dalam format mp3.
:: Alha Ramayan dapat ditetapkan sebagai telepon, sms atau alarm ringtone.
:: inbuilt mp3 player untuk mendengarkan kerumitan gratis dengan berulang dan shuffle pilihan.