ikon gTechAMS


1.0.8 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Instal

Exsurgo Technologies, LLC

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gTechAMS works with a collection of devices designed to be cost-effective and give the trainer, athlete, or anyone feedback on their training programs and methodologies.
The concept is simple, "Does your training program work and how do you measure changes?" There are a lot of adaptations taking place but how can one measure them? There are a varied amount of tools on the market but these were designed to be cost-effective and accessible. As scientists, designers, and engineers ourselves, we wanted to make sure we were staying respectful to the data and the users.
Originally conceived of as an experiment in "Hooman Telemetry" to measure acceleration, gSprint was developed to understand running forces. Then it only made sense to know more and understand what was taking place during Olympic lifting which lead to the creation of the gPower. Through collaboration with other exercise scientists, specifically Max Schmarzo of Strong By Science, gFlight was developed. Now there are 3 tools that measure and provide feedback to what is taking place!
Want to help? Take a look and drop us a line.
gTechAMS bekerja dengan koleksi perangkat yang dirancang agar hemat biaya dan memberikan umpan balik kepada pelatih, atlet, atau siapa pun tentang program dan metodologi pelatihan mereka.
Konsepnya sederhana, "Apakah program pelatihan Anda bekerja dan bagaimana Anda mengukur perubahan?" Ada banyak adaptasi yang terjadi tetapi bagaimana kita bisa mengukurnya? Ada banyak variasi alat di pasaran tetapi ini dirancang agar hemat biaya dan mudah diakses. Sebagai ilmuwan, perancang, dan insinyur, kami ingin memastikan bahwa kami tetap menghormati data dan pengguna.
Awalnya dirancang sebagai percobaan dalam "Telemetri Hooman" untuk mengukur akselerasi, gSprint dikembangkan untuk memahami gaya berlari. Maka masuk akal untuk mengetahui lebih banyak dan memahami apa yang terjadi selama Olimpiade mengangkat yang mengarah pada penciptaan kekuasaan. Melalui kolaborasi dengan ilmuwan latihan lainnya, khususnya Max Schmarzo dari Strong By Science, gFlight dikembangkan. Sekarang ada 3 alat yang mengukur dan memberikan umpan balik terhadap apa yang sedang terjadi!
Ingin membantu? Lihatlah dan turunkan kami satu baris.

Memperbarui gTech 1.0.8

Improved Bluetooth Connectivity.


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.4 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Exsurgo Technologies, LLC
  • ID: