Find most popular android apps here! 20,000+ users downloaded Carbon Neon WatchFace latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app has made a strong effect. This hot app was released on 2019-02-26. If you want it so go head and download it and enjoy your app.
Carbon Neon gives a neon look, over fiber carbon, to your watch. Be cool with elegance!
You can choose between different neon colors with analog or digital display.
With the new Complications for Wear 2 you will be able to choose from many widgets such as step counter, phone battery, sunrise and sunset, appointments, fit and many more...
We also maintained the exclusive compass and phone battery (the latter needs Carbon Neon app installed on the phone)
Compatible with all Wear versions, included Wear 2.0, watches with "chin" on the bottom and watches with square watch face.
Carbon Neon memberi tampilan neon, lebih dari serat karbon, ke jam tangan Anda. Jadilah keren dengan keanggunan!
Anda dapat memilih antara berbagai warna neon dengan tampilan analog atau digital.
Dengan Komplikasi baru untuk Wear 2 Anda akan dapat memilih dari banyak widget seperti penghitung langkah, baterai ponsel, matahari terbit dan terbenam, janji temu, bugar, dan banyak lagi ...
Kami juga mempertahankan kompas dan baterai ponsel eksklusif (yang terakhir membutuhkan aplikasi Carbon Neon yang terinstal di telepon)
Kompatibel dengan semua versi Wear, termasuk Wear 2.0, jam tangan dengan "dagu" di bagian bawah dan jam tangan dengan tampilan jam persegi.
- Option to hide Neon
- Option to hide carbon fiber background
- Square watches layout
- New configuration App