Welcome to the official store for application World. 20,000+ users downloaded RIghtTime latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And now, this app adds more functions. This hot app was released on 2018-09-21. It is one of the popular Android apps in 2015.
RIghtTime offers Rhode Islanders information, resources, and videos right at your fingertips 24/7 on sexual health topics like: healthy relationships; prevention, testing, and treatment of HIV/STDs; sexual health and family planning services and locations; where to find free condoms; information on birth control options; PrEP and PEP (medications to prevent HIV) and a lot more.
RIghtTime menawarkan informasi, sumber daya, dan video Rhode Islanders tepat di ujung jari Anda 24/7 tentang topik kesehatan seksual seperti: hubungan yang sehat; pencegahan, pengujian, dan pengobatan HIV / STD; layanan dan lokasi kesehatan seksual dan keluarga berencana; di mana menemukan kondom gratis; informasi tentang opsi pengendalian kelahiran; PrPP dan PEP (obat untuk mencegah HIV) dan banyak lagi.
Initial Release